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did my budget for the month

October 7th, 2012 at 12:53 am

Did my budget for the month. since I have 2 utilities about to be cut off, it was easy to decide what order to pay things. next payday, I pay the behind payment on ele, car insurance, cable and cell phone. my current bike payment and a credit card payment. that leaves my $300 for groceries / gas and pocket money. The week of the 17th I pay current ele, cable, cell phone, car insurance, furniture loan, medical loan, my other credit card and child support. I will have %250 for gas / groceries and pocket money. After this it starts getting a bit easier. My wife gets her first paycheck but we have a property tax bill due for our house in Ga. Her check should cover it so it'a a wash. The week of the 24th I pay my IRS bill and my car payment. I will have $525 left over so I may pay down something. The final week, I get paid, my wife gets paid again and my renter sends in his check. I will pay my rent and the mortgage payment out of those. I should have about $900 left over.

My only big conern is talking to utility companies on monday. I can pay the overdue parts on all of them prior to the cut off dates but I can't pay the current amounts till next week. Hopfully that won't be a problem. I also hope to find out about the mortgage reduction and the repayment for the overdue payments. If I have to breat down the 1700 over 4 months, I would be ok.

My only other big worry is my job, they are doing the yearly staffing budgets this month and we just got a new VP. I don't know the lady at all so I have no idea if she will have any radical ideas related to the projects I am working on. If the contract does get renewed then I should be able to get the things I have been neglecting taken care of as well as pay off a fair amount of debt. Oh, my step daughter got a job today, I will have her paying rent starting next month!!!

starting numbers

September 29th, 2012 at 11:58 pm

I am posting a budget for my monthly expenses, this will be refined as I start tracking my actuals. I am assuming that the income stays the same and hoping that there are not any emergencies.